A Book Sealed With Seven Seals


Vladimir Pakhomov


Decoding of the Message of an Unknown Advanced Civilization


A summary of the first part of the book "The Mystery of the Calendar"



"If you do not expect the unexpected
you will not find it,
for it is not to be reached by search or trail"

— Heraclitus (544—483 BC)


For untold centuries, both historical, and esoteric sources, have passed down stories of a forgotten "time-capsule" of ancient knowledge. The ancient Egyptian god Thoth, before his return to Heaven, said:

"Ye holy books... remain ye undecaying through all ages, and be ye unseen and undiscovered by all men who shall go to and fro on the plains of this land, until the time when Heaven, grown old, shall beget organisms worthy of you."


This quotation informs us that the future generations will find and will read Thoth's books.

The following quotation also informs us about a book written for the future generations.

"And he said unto me: "Observe, Enoch, these heavenly tablets, and read what is written thereon... I know a mystery and have read the heavenly tablets... and inscribed regarding them... but not for this generation, but for a remote one which is for to come."

— Book of Enoch


The ancient Book of Enoch was banned, lost and forgotten for a thousand years. This book talks about "Two hundred angels, the children of heaven", who descended to earth. In essence, the secrets that were imparted to Enoch and by him to his sons to keep, were the calendar knowledge. What was hidden in the calendar for future generations?



Analysis of the Calendar Matrix


Let us return to the analysis of the calendar matrix (see Part 1).


Table 4


The 4-year cycle of leap years determines 4 columns of this matrix, and the 7-day week cycle determines 7 rows of the matrix.


In the calendar matrix (Table 4), seven letters are used. These letters were called the "Numbers of the Gods". In antiquity, each letter had a numerical value. I shall use the numerical value of letters shown in the Table 6.


Table 6


Table 6 determines one-to-one correspondence between letters and numbers. Now we can rewrite the Table 4 using numbers instead of letters.


Table 7. The calendar matrix


In each column of the Table 7:

  • the sum of numbers is equal to 21;

  • there is each number, and each number occurs only once.

Further, I have discovered that in the calendar matrix, an error-detecting code for digital data communication is used. Now, I begin to explain it.


Let's take the auxiliary square matrix of order 7 with binary elements.


Table 8


I have named this matrix (Table 8) — "the ancient matrix". The binary elements of the ancient matrix are all possible combinations of seven numbers (from 0 up to 6) taken two at a time. There are 28 possible combinations (28 binary elements of the matrix). In table 8, the sum of all numbers is equal to 168.

Now compare figure 2 to the ancient matrix (Table 8).


Figure 2. Ancient matrix


Such a layout of the double-6 domino set gives an equivalent representation of the ancient matrix.

In this matrix, we can use dominoes, hexagrams of the I Ching (the ancient Chinese Book of Changes), the Yoruba tetragrams, or other ancient binary systems. The oldest known domino set was found in Tutankhamen's tomb. Tutankhamen was pharaoh of Egypt (reigned 1333-23 BC). These are now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.


The calendar matrix (Table 7) has one more feature of its structure. It is composed from binary elements of the ancient matrix (Table 8 or Figure 2). Tables 7' and 8' show how it was made. In the calendar matrix (Table 7'), the pairs of elements coinciding with binary elements of the ancient matrix (Table 8') are outlined.


The calendar matrix
Table 7'


Ancient matrix
Table 8'


In the tables 7' and 8', the identical elements are colored in identical color. I should remind you that the combinations (binary elements of the ancient matrix (Table 8')) containing identical pairs of numbers are equivalent. For example, (1,6) ~ (6,1).

As you can see, the binary elements (Table 8') have been taken not in the random order, and they have been placed not in the random order (Table 7'). All elements from one diagonal of the ancient matrix (Table 8') are in one column of the calendar matrix (Table 7').


14 binary elements of the ancient matrix (Table 8 or Figure 2) are used in the calendar matrix (Table 7'). 14 more elements remain. From them it is possible to create a 7×4 matrix, additional to the calendar matrix.

I have tried to create a 7×8 matrix satisfying the following conditions:

  1. To use all binary elements of the ancient matrix (Table 8).

  2. In each column there is each number, and each number occurs only once.
    (It is a condition of the calendar matrix)

  3. In each column, the sum of numbers is equal to 21.
    (It is a condition of the calendar matrix)
    8 × 21 = 168

  4. In each row, the sum of numbers is equal to 24.
    (7 rows are 7 days of week of 24 hours each)
    7 × 24 = 168

  5. All elements from one diagonal of the ancient matrix should be placed in one column of the 7×8 matrix.
    (It is a condition of the calendar matrix)

  6. The left half of the 7×8 matrix is the calendar matrix (Table 7); the right half is its addition.

The solution of this problem is shown in table 9.


Matrix of the Message
Table 9


Ancient matrix
Table 8"


I have called the reconstructed matrix (Table 9) the "Matrix of the Message". It satisfies all six conditions (see above). In the Tables 9 and 8", the identical elements are colored in identical color. The matrix of the Message is the most ancient magic rectangle.


If binary elements in table 9 are replaced by the domino pieces (Figure 2), we get another representation of the matrix of the Message.


Figure 3. Matrix of the Message


Table 9 and Figure 3 are equivalent. The secret code of the Ancient calendar is broken!

The left half of the matrix of the Message is our Perpetual Calendar. Possibly its right half is a lunar calendar.



Musical Interpretation of the Matrix of the Message


Written records of music use alphabetical, numerical, and musical notation. Alphabetical notation is the most ancient. In musical literature, the notes are usually designated by a letter A, B, C, D, E, F, or G. The same seven letters were used for a designation of days of week (see above). Further, I have found one-to-one correspondence between numbers and notes.


Table 10


You will find a detailed explanation of this correspondence (Table 10) in the book "The Mystery of the Calendar". Now, if the numbers in Table 9 are replaced by musical notes, we get the musical matrix of the Message. This table should be played from left to right, from top to down.

There are various diatonic scales. Probably, in this case it is necessary to use one of the ancient diatonic scales to hear the exact sounds of the music. I used the modern equally tempered scale. Listen what I got.


MIDI file


mp3 file


I have listened to this melody many times. It is not a random set of sounds. It is a melody. It is the most ancient melody on the Earth.


Do not try to create other music from this matrix!



Orion Constellation


The Orion constellation is probably the best-known and the most easily recognized constellation in the night sky. The ancient Egyptians saw the Orion constellation as embodying the god Osiris.


Seven brightest stars of the Orion constellation


The constellation's main feature is of course the three stars, which form the "belt" across the middle of Orion, from left to right: Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka.


We use seven primary colors by analogy with seven notes of the musical scale. When I colored the matrix of the Message (Table 9), I saw the stars of the Orion constellation! I have turned the matrix of the Message (Figure 3) 90° counter-clockwise. You can see result below.


Orion constellation in the matrix of the Message


Look at how all numbers '6' are located in the matrix of the Message. As you can see, numbers '6' shape the image of the seven brightest stars of the Orion constellation! The greatest number (6) shows us the brightest stars. In addition, all domino pieces create a typical background of a starry sky.


However, here there is one extra star, the eighth star above the star Mintaka (Mintaka is a double star). What is in the area of the sky marked by the eighth star?


There is one more feature. The top of the image of the Orion constellation in the matrix of the Message is slightly shifted to the right. The slope angle is equal to ~25°. I found a photo of the Orion constellation, and I shifted it slightly to the right at the top.


"And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together..."
— Revelation 6:14


This image is very similar to the image in the matrix of the Message.



Reality is that which doesn't go away
when you stop believing in it.


There is more to come. There is much more information in the matrix of the Message. I have found three-dimensional pictures encoded in this matrix. So, it contains the following information:

  • Calendar

  • Melody

  • Data of the planets of the Solar system

  • Celestial charts

  • Images of humanoids, animals, birds, and fishes

  • Topographical maps of islands

There is no end to it! These digital pictures were created many thousands of years ago! You can check all these facts without leaving your computer.

However, I have not found images of people. Who created this calendar? Who has created this calendar Message? We do not know of any ancient advanced civilization, more advanced than our modern civilization. This information object was created by a civilization more advanced than our civilization. Methods of creating similar information objects are unknown to modern science. We do not have any analogs. Our science is powerless before this small matrix. Can this be paleo-SETI?


So, our ancient calendar is an encoded message in the form of a calendar for future generations. Who could use advanced mathematics and computer technology many thousands of years ago? Who could use digital coding of images and music many thousand of years ago? Who could use digital data communication and the error-detecting code many thousand of years ago?


When I got the images of prototypes of mythological "gods" of ancient Sumer and Babylon, it was the biggest surprise. The ancient Mesopotamian myths spoke about amphibious beings, who had visited the land of Sumer in remote prehistory. The leader of these beings was named Oannes. Oannes was half man, half fish, and under the fish's head, he had another head. He is given credit by the Sumerians for giving civilization to man. Below, you can see the fragment of an image encoded in the calendar. This is a head of Oannes.






  1. Pakhomov V.L. «The Mystery of the Calendar — The Message to the Unborn», Perth, Australia: Xerostar Holdings, ISBN 0-9580150-1-5
    http://dominorus.narod.ru/midiebooks.html (for a Windows PC)

  2. Vladimir Pakhomov "Message to the Unborn - Mystery of the Calendar 1-2"
    http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00GFP818C (for any device)

  3. Vladimir Pakhomov "Message to the Unborn - Mystery of the Calendar 3-4"
    http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HEPRA52 (for any device)

  4. Vladimir Pakhomov "Message to the Unborn - Mystery of the Calendar 5"
    http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FK91NM0 (for any device)



Copyright © 2000 Vladimir Pakhomov

All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of
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Updated: March 16, 2014